view-folder read-only

Started by Pascal Dussart, September 28, 2018, 09:36:39 AM

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Pascal Dussart

I'm sure this question has been asked before, but I can't find it via forum-search. Sorry for repeating it:

What was the reason again for an empty user-created folder below "Views" to become read-only, meaning not being able to delete nor rename it? (note: I only experience this with some of the folders in my model, not all of them


Phil Beauvoir

Which folder are you referring to?

The only read-only folders should be Strategy, Business, Application, Technology & Physical, Motivation, Implementation and Migration, Other, Relations, Views

Edit: if it's a user created folder you should be able to delete it. Did you use any plugins or edit the xml file manually?
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Pascal Dussart

Which folder I'm referring to? I mean in this case two folders below "Views" created a while ago. They're called "RV" and "Under construction" :)

If I right-click on them the options Delete and Rename are both gray-ed out (dito in the Edit-menu)

BTW: Archi is running Mac and I haven't upgraded to Mojave yet

Phil Beauvoir

The only folders that can be deleted/renamed are User created folders. These are always sub-folders. If a sub-folder cannot be deleted/renamed something has gone wrong.

If you can view the *.archimate file in a text viewer the XML for those folders should be like this:

<folder name="Views" id="123345" type="diagrams">
   <folder name="RV" id="5df67"/>
   <folder name="Under Construction" id="472345"/>

If you see a "type" set to something:

<folder name="Under Construction" id="472345" type="something"/>

What is there for type?

Did you use any plugins or ever edit the xml file manually?
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Pascal Dussart

I missed your last question earlier on: no manual editing was done on the xml file. One plugin has been added, namely the one for export to excel from the Patreon-site.

There is a difference in my xml-file with the example you've given: the two tags corresponding to the folders that won't delete also have the type-attribute. The following tag corresponds to a folder that a I can delete if I wanted to, and that one doesn't have the type-attribute

<folder name="Views" id="5a800172-c1ab-4988-90bd-3faf52c6a5fc" type="diagrams">
    <folder name="RV" id="4c0ac6e5-04ee-436f-94d8-5e6dd2cd076a" type="diagrams"/>
    <folder name="Under construction" id="a4425c5d-44b9-4a61-bf79-b45e4ce69045" type="diagrams"/>
    <folder name="foo" id="0961db8c-8630-4ed6-8440-daa0237fa7e6">
      <element xsi:type="archimate:ArchimateDiagramModel" name="foo view 1" id="8ec5b07f-7bb3-4c56-8a46-88593ba7b375">

Or maybe the first two tags have the type-attribute because they are empty..

(note:  this is far from being a showstopper, of course)

Phil Beauvoir

There should only be one folder with type "diagrams" - the top level "Views" folder. (If there is no type="whatever" then this denotes a user created folder as in your "foo" folder.)

I don't know how this could have happened. I guess you must have created these two folders under the main "Views" folder at some point.

You can either manually delete these two lines in the xml file:

    <folder name="RV" id="4c0ac6e5-04ee-436f-94d8-5e6dd2cd076a" type="diagrams"/>
    <folder name="Under construction" id="a4425c5d-44b9-4a61-bf79-b45e4ce69045" type="diagrams"/>

or remove the type="diagrams" part and edit them in Archi.

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Pascal Dussart