
Started by kdwykleingeld, November 11, 2014, 18:05:44 PM

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hi, would it be possible to extend export to csv with the model structure (folder name in element csv) ? So for each element you simply add the folder name or folder-id it resides in ?  That would really be of great value imho..

... same for import maybe in future ...

thx koen


hi, any updates on this one ? Would it be possible to add the "folder name" that en element resides in to the export  ?

so: "ID";"Type";"Name";"Documentation";"Folder"


Phil Beauvoir

Sorry, I missed this message.  :(

What use cases would folders work for? Is there value in doing this?

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Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


@Phil: yes, I also think there is value in doing this as this would allow to create model using external sources and create folder hierarchy at the same time.

But there is one drawback: if I just want to update my model using an external source, then I'd have to first find matching folder or else this would screw my model. Maybe a need for an option at import ?

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hi, late feedback but my use case is that i structure elements in folders and subfolders.. exporting the folder name provides some additional information

thx koen