Derived relationships support

Started by krydab, February 25, 2019, 11:13:42 AM

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Hi Guys,

I am new to the Archi. The software looks really great.

My goal is to model an overview and detail views of each part of the system. I would like to see dependencies/relationships in the overview when they have been created while modelling detailed parts of the system.
I read that Archimate introduces derived relationships, however I cannot see them in my views in Archi. I tried with different relationship types without any success.

While searching this forum I fould an old thread regarding this. It has been planned to release the featrue in 4.x. Is it available already? Are there any plans to release it?

Best regards,

Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


What the ArchiMate standard describes as derived relationships are at the end relationships that you can add if you want. This is not intended to be added auto-magically by tools.

There used to be a feature in Archi that was trying to find potential relationships between two selected elements, but when found, user were prompted to confirm the relationship which was then added to the model. So this was of some help but was not automatic at all.

In short: you simply have to add them by yourself ;-)


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thanks for your answer.

Let's assume that you have relationships A->B and B->C.

As you said adding auto-magically new relationships to the model is not indended to be done. If someone deletes B I do not want to have A->C in my model.

However, I think that it is worth to show on the view where you have only A and C that they are dependent. And to show the dependency I would use the derived relationship ordered by strength.

I saw such behaviour in other tools, e.g. Avolution Abacus, where you can select in the view options if you want to see derived relationship, but the costs of the software are not acceptable for me.

Have you considered such functionality in Archi?


Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


If you want to see A->C then you have to create it by yourself, no tool can do it for you. As soon as this (derived) relationship is created in the model, what you can do in Archi using some jArchi script is to add this relationship between A and C to a view containing these two elements.

If someone deletes B I do not want to have A->C in my model.

In an ideal world, I'd like Archi to suggest derived relationships when asked for, and create some internal traçability between those derived relationships and the real ones, so that when someone delete B I'm asked to either delete A->C or convert it to a "real" relationship.


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