
Started by Azucena Espindola, June 19, 2019, 15:28:31 PM

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Azucena Espindola


A favor I am new to the use of Archi and I need to know if it is possible that it works with a postgres database? for to work collaboratively with the architects and all the IT staff of my workplace.

Thank you very much.


 See database plugin from Hervé


Dear Azucena,

Indeed, you may download the database plugin from GitHub (

You simply need to copy the JAR file to the "plugins" folder of Archi on all your architects desktops. Alternatively, you may install Archi with all the plugins to a network share and your architectes can run Archi from this network share. This way, en ensure thay all use the same Archi and the same plugins versions.

Once it's done, you need to start Archi on all your architects desktop and configure the database plugin through Archi's menu Edit / Preferences / Database plugin.

You can then declare your database (name, brand (postgresql in your case), host or @IP, port, database name, schema name (if not the default) and the  credentials). The required tables are automatically checked on every connection and created if needed.

Please do not hesitate do open an issue on GitHub or ask questions on this forum should you require any assistance.

Best regards

Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


Another option is to use the Archi Collaboration plugin which doesn't use a relational database but a git repository (that you can host on any git platform like github, gitlab...).


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