Form plugin: org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: No more handles

Started by Jose-Carlos, May 27, 2019, 14:07:11 PM

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I have open an issue about Form plugin (see

Archi execution fails with error: org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: No more handles.

Does anyone had the same behavior?

Any idea to solve this issue?


Phil Beauvoir

Hi Jose-Carlos!

As this is triggered by the Forms plugin I redirected your bug report back to the original report:


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Phil Beauvoir

It could be caused by too many UI elements. It might be worth experimenting with smaller amounts of data to see if this is the cause.

When I do a Google search for "org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: No more handles" it seems to be lack of memory or too many UI elements. For example:
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Thanks for your answer.
I have made some tests based on your link.
When monitoring USER handles for Archi.exe process, during the form build, the limit of 10000 is reached. This is a Windows manager limit which cannot be changed:

So, I need to reduce the number of elements concerned by this form configuration in a single view to avoid this issue.

Phil Beauvoir

That might be a short term solution. In the long term it may be that the Form code needs to be optimised. For Herve this may be the issue
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Thanks Phil,

I'll rewrite my code accordingly.

Best regards