Is there any way to run a Jasper report on a specific Views->Folder?

Started by Manj75, May 24, 2019, 12:23:29 PM

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I have create an Architecture folder structure for the Architects to collaborate on working on a model for their business vertical.  The structure comprises of a Views\Projects folder within which a project folder for the project request ID is created to hold all viewpoints for that specific project,

Current Jasper (and even HTML) reporting is carried out on the whole model.  I want to know if there is a solution to run a Jasper Report on a specific folder level - is there a plugin for this or does it need to be another feature request?


  Enterprise Principles
  Enterprise As-Is
  Enterprise Target Architecture
  Project Requests
    ProjReq00123   /////// I want to create a Jasper report at this level only to document selected project ProjReq00123  /////////
      Goals and Drivers viewpoint
      Business Context viewpoint
      Application logical viewpoint

Phil Beauvoir

There's no plug-in that I am aware of.

It would be possible to write your own Jasper template, however.
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Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


You can add (multiple) tags on views and then create a report that includes only views that contain a choosen tag.

This is explain shortly in Archi's manual (look for Customizable Report) and has been described several time on the forum (look for Report:View:Tag)


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Phil Beauvoir

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Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie

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Hi Jean-Baptiste,

I'm back on this functionality and was trying to search for the forum for how to tag views and create customisable reports, but could not find anything.  I  am new to this area and really need to create reports detailed in original post.  Can you pin point any posts that will be of help please.

Is there a version of the Archi manual that has the Customizable Report section that you can send me even if it's draft.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


Phil Beauvoir

It's on page 87 of the Archi User Guide, section "Customizable Report".
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Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


You can find the Archi User Guide online :

Re forum search, you have to run the search from the forum's homepage or else you'll search only in the current thread. Doing it points you to those posts:

Here are some excerpt of interrest:

   Use this property to tag a view (you can use this property multiple time). Tags can then be used to create a report containing only one specific tag. To do this add "#tagname" to the end of the report title (case insensitive). You can make a view visible for all tag using the special tag "all".

[...] this is already possible through the Customizable report with tag support. This report template will be included in next Archi release but has already been published on the forum. This allows you to add tags to views. For this you add (multiple if needed) properties named Report:View:Tag to views. You can then run the report and append #tagname to the report title. It will then be used as a view filter. Typical usecases are generation of project/solution design documents (using project code as tag value) and generation of application oriented design document (using application name or code as tag value).

To use "tags" you add the user defined property "Report:View:Tag" to a view (you can use this property multiple time). Tags can then be used to create a report containing only one specific tag. To do this add "#tagname" to the end of the report title (case insensitive). You can make a view visible for all tag using the special tag "all". There are a number of other user defined properties that can alter the behavior of the "Customizable" report format.  They are described in the _READ_ME_ page of the "Customizable" report template.


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Hi JB et al,

I've now trialed the use of report tagging and it a fantastic feature and will really help with what we need.  There is one deficiency in that it does not work on the Views level folders, i.e. it would be nice if I apply the Report:View:<etc> properties to a created folder in the Views it then applies it to all sub-folders and views recursively where specified.

Consider the following example where for my organisation/team working collaboratively on numerous business project requests requiring architecture design - the following projects folder structure is created in a single model:

    Project Requests
      PRJ001 Project Title <-- Adding Properties can have inheritance controls to apply for all nested elements
        1. Motivation
          PRJ001 Goals and Drivers view
          PRJ001 Goals and Principles view
        2. Business
          PRJ001 Business Context view
        3. Application
          PRJ001 Logical Application view

This would allow us to easily tag at the project folder level and easily report based on given tag on all nested views without having to apply the tag on each and every view.

On the presumption that this is not possible I will raise a feature request but do you and anyone else think this as being useful.