jArchi set flow-relationship in ArchiView

Started by macknardy, November 07, 2019, 13:34:54 PM

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Hi, everyone.

I'm using jArchi to build an Archi View. I have already all elements and positions.

Therefore, when I add an element like application-component I can set it in Archi View with the code below.

var element = {"concept": "application-component", "name":  "Name", "bounds": {x:18, width:439, y:12, height:337}};
var model = model.createElement(element.concept, element.name);
archimateView.add(model, element.bounds.x, element.bounds.y, element.bounds.width, element.bounds.height);

Is it possible to set the flow-relationship in Archi View with jArachi? Is there any way to catch the bounds from the line of flow-relationship?

Thank you.

Phil Beauvoir

You can add connections with relationships easily given that you have two concepts already. Take a look at the "Create Views and Visual Objects" example script that ships with jArchi.

> Is there any way to catch the bounds from the line of flow-relationship?

Not sure what you are trying to achieve with this?
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Hi Phil,

Thank you for your reply.

I would like to put flow relationship in Archi View as an image attached.

Thank you.