HTML Report and specialization drilldown

Started by bbarosa, January 23, 2020, 17:13:55 PM

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I'm new to Archi and loving the simplicity of it.

I know it is possible to navigate between views and this works well on the HTML report, but I have looked at the specialization plugin that also enables the option to associate a view to an element and jump between them on the eclipse environment.

can't this feature be extended to the HTML report? this could either by adding a new button on the element propertie pane or simply reuse the drill down property and enable the link form there


Phil Beauvoir


the HTML report does not know anything about Herve's Specialization plugin (which is separate to Archi core) so this functionality cannot be implemented in the HTML report. Of course, should anyone wish to extend the HTML report to factor this in they could do so.

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There is no need to for the HTML Report to know specialization, it just need to lookup for a property named "drill down" and use the value, the view ID, to link to the relevant view.

How could I extend the HTML Report? I have looked at the template frame.stg but from what I have understood there is no option to do a condition based on a value, just if the properties exist or not, correct?

Phil Beauvoir

Quote from: bbarosa on January 23, 2020, 20:15:38 PM
There is no need to for the HTML Report to know specialization, it just need to lookup for a property named "drill down" and use the value, the view ID, to link to the relevant view.

How could I extend the HTML Report? I have looked at the template frame.stg but from what I have understood there is no option to do a condition based on a value, just if the properties exist or not, correct?

In order for it to "lookup for a property named "drill down"" it then is looking for features of the Specialization plug-in's functionality and it doesn't work this way around - Archi core code cannot depend on or support features of down-stream plug-ins that are not core to Archi's functionality.

However, if you want to implement this then have a look at how Properties are handled in the *.stg files, but as for conditions I don't know how this works. But it's all open source, so please feel free to go ahead and find out...
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An alternative to drill-down from a specific object in a view, which is supported by the application and HTML export is the possibility to add a view reference inside another view. To do that: just drag from the object tree the view and drop it. This View Reference element, when double clicked in the application, or single clicked in the HTML report, will act as a drilldown shortcut.

Phil Beauvoir

Quote from: rchevallier on January 28, 2020, 16:34:30 PM
An alternative to drill-down from a specific object in a view, which is supported by the application and HTML export is the possibility to add a view reference inside another view. To do that: just drag from the object tree the view and drop it. This View Reference element, when double clicked in the application, or single clicked in the HTML report, will act as a drilldown shortcut.

That's right.

You can also do this trick:

1. Drag and drop a View Reference as above
2. Set its opacities to zero
3. Resize it so it only shows an icon
4. Place it inside of another element

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