Archi Pull Requests

Started by scottpazelt, March 25, 2020, 17:49:37 PM

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I'm new to Archi, and just started connecting models into GitHub repos.

I came across the note below in the Archi documentation. If pull requests aren't supported, does anyone have any guidance on how we can have some type of checkpoint/review before merging models into a master branch?

Important: you shouldn't use merge, pull requests or similar features from your Git server as this would most certainly lead to model corruption. Though based on Git, the collaboration plugin adds several anti-corruption actions while performing these operations.


Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


The key point is that "pull request" is not a Git thing but something created by GitHub to support a contribution workflow based on forking a repo. This makes no sens with Archi as everyone work on the same repository.

So the appropriate workflow is to work on a branch, and then simply ask the model maintainer (if this role makes sens in your organization) to review the work done into this branch and them merge it to master. Ie. maintainer simply switch to the branch from Archi and open the model.


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We now understand we must not use PRs or git level merges on the model going forward.

Given we were bad, how can we check our model to confirm it is not corrupted?

Archi is great. As an archimate tool the git capability is the primary reason we use it.


Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


First, save your model as a new .archimate file, open it with Archi 4.7 (still in beta) and save it as another file. It all goes well, that's a good sign (Archi 4.7 includes more checks on the model, run when saving).

Then, I guess we can do more checks through a jArchi script. I have one in mind but have to find it and tune it a bit. I'll post it here when done.


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