BUG: URL-processing

Started by mabro, February 21, 2015, 18:07:21 PM

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I use element-properties to record the source of principles, requirements I gather in my models. Since most documentation is stored online, I'm very pleased with the URL-recognition of Archi.

However, if an URL contains a '+' character, double-clicking the URL to browse to the page the URL refers to, does not work properly. The URL gets truncated: the '+' character and everything that follows, disappears from the URL, thus leading to nowhere.

To be clear: the URL is properly stored in a property, it's just not functioning properly as a hyperlink when I double-click it.

Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


May I ask you in which report you face this issue (HTML, Jasper PDF, Jasper HTML...) ?


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Phil Beauvoir

It's in parsing links in properties and documentation fields. I update the regex to allow for "+" characters:


Will be in Archi 3.2.
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Phil Beauvoir

@mabro - can you supply an example URL so I can test it?
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