Weird characters in Archi Windows!

Started by amostafa, May 06, 2020, 10:14:43 AM

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I'm a beginner and faced Weird issue with Archi, the small windows' titles have Weird characters instead of the windows titles as shown in the picture!.
I have tried and faced the same issue in both the portable and installable versions of Archi,
My version windows 10, java, and Archi (4.6) are 64bit.

Any hints?

Phil Beauvoir

I've never seen this before. Do you have any localisation settings on the machine? Can you try on another machine?
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Phil Beauvoir

It's interesting that it is only the tab names that are corrupt. Eclipse sometimes stores these names in a file - @user.home/AppData/Roaming/Archi4/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.e4.workbench/workbench.xmi

To clear this select from Archi's "Help" menu "Reset Workbench to Defaults" and restart.
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Thanks for the hints, I tried many things after reading your comments, but this one fixed it : Edit > Preferences > General > Theme  (Classic) instead of Light,,,, any other theme make it go back to weird characters I think this is a bug in Archi.

Phil Beauvoir

No, it's not a bug in Archi if this is happening. It will be an Eclipse, localisation, or installation issue.

Did you try this:

> To clear this select from Archi's "Help" menu "Reset Workbench to Defaults" and restart.

Did you try Archi on another machine?
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Well, I think you are right, it is working on the other PC with the same windows 10 pro 64 bit, the same local settings and same installed languages (English and Arabic) with English is the default.

Now it is only working in my PC if I set it to the classic theme, else it will give me the Weird characters,...

I check many things:
- "Reset Workbench to Defaults" and restart., but nothing.
- I looked for this file @user.home/AppData/Roaming/Archi4/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.e4.workbench/workbench.xmi but the folder is empty!!
- I have uninstalled it and install it again, but the same issue!!, and I think Archi leave some stuff in the registry since when I install it and install it back I find that it kept the last settings!!

Is there a way to totally clean its previous installation and have a clean install?


Phil Beauvoir

> Is there a way to totally clean its previous installation and have a clean install?

After you have uninstalled Archi, delete the @user.home/AppData/Roaming/Archi4/ folder.
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I did that but still the same issue, the classic theme is the only thing that shows the windows tilte properly !!

Phil Beauvoir

Sorry, I can't help you with this as there's nothing I can suggest. It's probably something to do with multi-language setups.
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Phil Beauvoir

It could be something to do with the CSS files used for the theme.

You could try the following:

- Select the Light theme in Archi (the theme that has problems)
- Quit Archi
- Copy this file somewhere and back it up - C:\Program Files\Archi4\plugins\com.archimatetool.editor.themes_4.6.0.201911111111\themes\eclipse\css\e4_default_win.css
- Remove the following line from that file and save it (might need admin privilege to do that):
  @import url("platform:/plugin/com.archimatetool.editor.themes/themes/eclipse/css/e4_basestyle.css");
- Restart Archi
- The theme should look quite basic now
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Thanks for your efforts.
I will work with the classic theme for the time being.