Creating business model based on 2.1 specification document

Started by Simon, May 14, 2015, 18:22:00 PM

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I am new to Archi. I have to learn the tool for my new job. I have read the specification document twice and am now fiddling with Archi to take it to the next step.

I have begun by creating views I found in the specification document. I created all business level functions, processes, actors and roles then set about adding in the relations (section 3.2.1). I was only able to match two of the relations. I could not attach the relation from the Travel Insurance Seller to the Travel Insurance Department. I had the same problem with Take out travel insurance to offering travel insurance.

I made sure to match the proper function, process, actor and role.

What am I missing? Can someone direct me to the right chapter or resource material so I can figure this out?


Phil Beauvoir


welcome to Archi and ArchiMate.  :)

In the case of the relationships, these are Assignment relationships and are uni-directional. That is, they only go from one source node to a target node. So, try connecting them the other way. Or use the Magic Connector, the palette tool that offers only valid relations.

And see here:

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Thanks. I'll take to the reading material shortly. I think there was an error with the sheet. I recreated it and added the relations immediately after drawing the business process, actor or role and it was fine.

Now off to figure out how to draw the interface as per the specification :)

Thanks for the reference material!

Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


I should add (as a comment) that reading the specs is not at all the best way to start. It used to be the only way some years ago, but fortunatly, now you can start with the really impressive book written by Gerben Wierda, or at least the free Syntax Only excerpt (look on the page pointed by Phil).

Last, don't expect too much from training organisations because they usually provide few if not no advices on how to best use ArchiMate, they will only explain you what the bowes and lines are, not much more. Again, the best material for that purpose is Gerben's (full) book and of course LinkedIn forum (and here also, albeit focused on Archi tool itself).



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Thanks. I have the book now and starting easy by creating the basic views in the book, but I am having some trouble with the basic views.

I am creating the view on 1.1 I created the interface, app comp, app func, and app service and data object. I am able to link up all relations but the app function to the data object. I am using the Access relation to connect the app function, but it will not work. I am using Archi 3.2.1. From everything I am reading, it should work, but it is not working.

Are there some gotchas, or known issues I need to be aware of?


Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


My 2ct answers:

Check that you did not change the viewpoint to one that doesn't allow such relation (use "Total" viewpoint as a safe value).

Check also that you did use a "Data Object" and not a "Business Object" as an Application (Function or Service) can't access a "Business Object"


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Thanks Jean!

That worked. To create the application function, I grabbed the business object (Contract). Forgetting the all three colours refer to each level instead of using the Application Services and using the format painter tool to apply the correct colour. A rookie mistake.