Packaging a new Archi Export Plugin

Started by Thomas Rischbeck (, August 14, 2020, 10:18:47 AM

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Thomas Rischbeck (

We want to create a new plugin to Archi that generates a Word document using the javadocx  library. Based on the ImportExportExample the first prototype runs within an Eclipse launch configuration.

How would we go about creating a distributable Plugin/Dropin *.jar file from this? I can do it manually but presume that some built-in logic for this is already available somewhere.
ITMC AG • Bahnhofstrasse 10 • CH-8001 Zürich
Dr. Thomas Rischbeck
PhD in Computer Science
Managing Partner

Phil Beauvoir

I do it manually, too. I have not found a way to automate it.

Make sure the "" file has all the right dependencies ticked.

Select the project(s) in Eclipse and choose "Export -> Deployable plug-ins and fragments" and export the jar(s) or folder(s) into a directory.

BTW - Archi plug-ins in the "*.archiplugin" format are the exported jar(s) zipped into a zip file (the extension is renamed) together with the magic "archi-plugin" marker file so Archi knows that it's an Archi plug-in that can be unpacked and copied to the "dropins" folder (rather than some random *.jar file). In fact, you could just manually copy the *.jar file(s) to the "dropins" folder.
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Thomas Rischbeck (


Thanks for your help - the Eclipse Export did the trick and I've got my first Archi Plugin running.
What a wonderful feeling!!!  ;D

Cheers and happy weeekend, Thomas.
ITMC AG • Bahnhofstrasse 10 • CH-8001 Zürich
Dr. Thomas Rischbeck
PhD in Computer Science
Managing Partner

Phil Beauvoir

Hi Thomas,

great news! Congratulations!

Two Top Tips:

1. Nothing in Eclipse is easy
2. See (1)

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