Check for duplicate relationships

Started by malcolm_t_evans, September 29, 2020, 08:42:55 AM

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I've written a couple of scripts to import data in relation to technology elements and associated relationships using combination of model.createElement and model.createRelationship (using assignment-relationship, with name of "Assign to", source and targets previously created elements.

Example pseudo data is along the lines of:

Virtual host, Physical host, Virtual host OS, Physical host OS, Virtual host IP, Virtual host FQDN, Virtual host Directory Domain

So from that there are the following relationships:
Virtual host OS ->(assigned to) Virtual host
Physical host OS ->(assigned to) Physical host
Physical host ->(assigned to) Virtual host

So whilst you can check for an existing element via $(".hostname).first() and therefore avoid creating duplicate hosts.  However there are duplicate physical hosts, given that a physical host can host multiple virtual hosts.  However the problem I have is trying to avoid duplicating an existing relationship (predominately between Physical host OS and Physical host).  I've included a code snippet below.  Any guidance or suggestions welcome

Thanks, regards,


// Now create relationship between Operating System and Node (Assignment)
   // First check to see if relationship exists, if not create it
   console.log("> At: ",," and ",;

   var assignRelations = $(".Assigned to");
   var assignedtoHypervisor = assignRelations.rels(myHypervisor);
   if (assignedtoHypervisor.size() > 0) {
      console.log("> Have Hypervisor relationship: ");
      // Check to see if Node is target end
      if (myNode.inRels("assignment-relationship").size() == 0) {
         var relationship = model.createRelationship("assignment-relationship", "Assigned to",myHypervisor,myNode);
         console.log("> Assign: ",," ->",;
   } else {
      console.log("> Don't have Hypervisor relationship: ");
      var relationship = model.createRelationship("assignment-relationship", "Assigned to",myHypervisor,myNode);
      console.log("> Assign: ",," ->",;

Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


Quote from: malcolm_t_evans on September 29, 2020, 08:42:55 AM
However the problem I have is trying to avoid duplicating an existing relationship
Any guidance or suggestions welcome

I think the easiest way to do this is:

// Assume 'source' is the source element, 'target' the target element, and 'type' is a string matching the relationship type (all this is quite obvious I guess)

relationship = $(source).outRels(type).filter(function(r) {return}).first();

This will avoid creating duplicate by returning only the first relationship matching your criterias.


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Thanks Jean-Baptiste for the direction.  I did manage to come up with the following test code, which I've confirmed works, though not quite aligned to your pseudo code.

Thanks, again, regards,


console.log("> Test for Duplicate relationships (create only relationships which don't exist)");

//  Every esx host has an assigned hypervisor (ie hypervisor ->(assigned to) host)
//  Though esx host may be duplicated by the export from vCentre, need to ensure that only unique relationships are created during
//  import process.
//  Have dummy array to simulate file import, containing duplicate hosts
//  Will create single hypervisor OS element

var hosts = new Array ("f01-esx201","f01-esx101","f01-esx301","f01-esx101","f01-esx301","f01-esx101");

var myOS = model.createElement("system-software","VMware ESXi 5.5.0");

var osHyper = $(".VMware ESXi 5.5.0").first();


function relationships(host) {

if (!$("."+host).first()) {
var myNode = model.createElement("node",host);
} else {
var myNode =$("."+host).first();

console.log("Host: ",host);
console.log("Relationships: ",$(osHyper).outRels("assignment-relationship").size()," ",host);

if ($(osHyper).outRels("assignment-relationship").size() > 0) {
console.log("Have N: ",$(osHyper).outRels("assignment-relationship").targetEnds("node").size(), " relationships");
var matchrelations = 0;

var relations = $(osHyper).outRels("assignment-relationship").each(function(r) {
if ( === "node") {
console.log("Existing relationship: ",," ",;
if ( == host) {
console.log("Confirmed host match, no relationship created: ",host);

if (matchrelations == 0) {
console.log("creating relationship with: ",host);
var relationship = model.createRelationship("assignment-relationship", "Assigned to",osHyper,myNode);
} else {
console.log("Don't have relationship with: ",host);
var relationship = model.createRelationship("assignment-relationship", "Assigned to",osHyper,myNode);


console.log(" == ");

console.log("> Test Relationships");

Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


Quote from: malcolm_t_evans link=topic=919.msg5043#msg5043
though not quite aligned to your pseudo code.

That was not pseudocode at all but real code fragment from an existing script. You don't need more.

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