Database plugin can not initialize database

Started by Prasun, November 16, 2020, 22:11:15 PM

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The Archi 4.7.1 needed new version of mysql 8- hence installed and configured new , however while initializing the database it fails due to the attached error:

it creates 3 empty tables : database_version, folders,models before throwing the attached error.
the database version: mysql-8.0.22-winx64

is this usual? any known remedies please.

Phil Beauvoir

Hi, it would be better to report the issues on the DB plug-in issue tracker so that Herve can track it there:
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I'll have a look and send a fix asap.

Best regards


Just for reference ...

MySQL 8 introduces a new function called rank() and unfortunately, I've got a column called rank in my database tables. More details can be found on my plugin's GitHub page.

I'll send a new plugin release that changes the column name in the coming days.

Best regards