Symbol colors and symbol arrangemants

Started by pitark14, March 11, 2015, 13:43:39 PM

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If I understand this right Archi uses the symbol colors yellow, blue, green for Business, Application and Technology. This corresponds to what OpenGroup defines at page 9 in

OpenGroup also defines the same colors for Active, Behavour and Passive structures (at page 8 - Figure Archimate 2 Summary).  This is some what confusing, but this is also what other arcimate software packages uses - like Open Groups own Visio stencils. The same goes for stencils from Orbus Software.

Is it possible to arrange the symbols in Archi according to the Active, Behavour and Passive structure consept or is it locked to the Business , Application, Technology consept?

Phil Beauvoir

What do you mean by "to arrange the symbols"?
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You can use whatever colorscheme you want. Just configure it in the preperences (see Archi user guide, p125).

If you want to use Gerben Wierda style, you can download the colorscheme file here.


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Andrew Josey

Quote from: pitark14 on March 11, 2015, 13:43:39 PM
If I understand this right Archi uses the symbol colors yellow, blue, green for Business, Application and Technology. This corresponds to what OpenGroup defines at page 9 in

OpenGroup also defines the same colors for Active, Behavour and Passive structures (at page 8 - Figure Archimate 2 Summary).  This is some what confusing, but this is also what other arcimate software packages uses - like Open Groups own Visio stencils. The same goes for stencils from Orbus Software.

Is it possible to arrange the symbols in Archi according to the Active, Behavour and Passive structure consept or is it locked to the Business , Application, Technology consept?

It is indeed a little confusing that the examples in the ArchiMate Specification use the same three colours as used in the metamodel diagrams (yellow, blue and green), however  Section 2.10  of the Specification makes it clear that there are no formal semantics attached to colour in models and that its down to the modeler.

I have used the colour scheme from Gerben Wierda when lecturing, where I wanted to emphasise the aspects of the language construction ( a copy of such a presentation is available at  In other cases where I am using it for simple single layer models I often use monochrome.
Andrew Josey