Connection from Note to X

Started by Thomas Rischbeck (, March 14, 2021, 19:34:11 PM

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Thomas Rischbeck (

Is it possible to connect a note in jArchi? I can see how you add a model relationship to a view:
However, I'd like to connect a note to X within the diagram. Any ideas?
ITMC AG • Bahnhofstrasse 10 • CH-8001 Zürich
Dr. Thomas Rischbeck
PhD in Computer Science
Managing Partner

Phil Beauvoir

Hi, Thomas, not implemented yet. These types of connections are on the "to do" list for the next round of jArchi features.

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Thomas Rischbeck (

Ok, excellent - looking forward to this, Phil!

Currently, I'm working on creating diagrams with horizontal / vertical axes. This is useful to position elements on the canvas according to their properties. For example in a risk matrix we have "Assessment" elements with attributes "severity" and "probability". I'm currently investing quite a bit of effort into jArchi scripts to provide generic "virtual" views for this an other analysis use cases. I'm planning to make this available on Git once things are more stable.

I'm now using a workaround where I use three "invisible" ArchiMate elements on the canvas and "serving" relationships to connect these. Of course, this is suboptimal, because it leads to "zombie" elements in the model.

Anyway: the rendering engine of Archi combined with jArchi scripts is extremely powerful and this is fun!

Cheers, Thomas.
ITMC AG • Bahnhofstrasse 10 • CH-8001 Zürich
Dr. Thomas Rischbeck
PhD in Computer Science
Managing Partner

Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


I use three "invisible" ArchiMate elements

You can use only one and create relationships to AND from the same element. I'd recommend a Grouping as it allows all types of relationship.


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Thomas Rischbeck (

Hi JB, thanks - that's a great idea. I've already used "Grouping" but didn't think about positioning the same element multiple times on the canvas :-)
Cheers, Thomas.
ITMC AG • Bahnhofstrasse 10 • CH-8001 Zürich
Dr. Thomas Rischbeck
PhD in Computer Science
Managing Partner