Share Archi Model

Started by cibret24, February 26, 2021, 11:57:50 AM

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Whats the best way to share the Archi Model with other teammates?


Best Regards,

Phil Beauvoir

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Hi Phil

The Collaboration plug-in is great for help breaking down the model also in the element level.

However, tried to test this with one of my colleague, got one problem need your advise on "merging", both of us have modified some parts in the online model and committed, when open the model, the conflict need to be solved, but it only allow to choose either "local" or "remote", while for some part, as they're touching same folder, shall we allow accept "both"? Or any suggestion that possible I'm not finding the proper way of using?

Thanks again,

Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


Quote from: xiaoqi on March 10, 2021, 00:07:17 AM
However, tried to test this with one of my colleague, got one problem need your advise on "merging", both of us have modified some parts in the online model and committed, when open the model, the conflict need to be solved, but it only allow to choose either "local" or "remote", while for some part, as they're touching same folder, shall we allow accept "both"? Or any suggestion that possible I'm not finding the proper way of using?

Merge is done at the lower level (element, relationship, view). So you should face a conflict only if you both changed the exact same element, relationship or view. Could you be more precise on what you did change on both side that led to a conflict?

FWIW, conflict on folder should only be raised if you both renamed the folder or changed its doc or properties, but changing its content is not at all source of conflict.


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Hi JB,

Thanks for your clarification, I thought we had both changed on the same element level (one did changes, the other deleted the element for example), now we had back to use single model.

Let me arrange a testing with my colleagues under coArchi again with the scenarios you mentioned, and back here for evidence to analyze, I'd really hope we can adopt coArchi instead of one single and big model file.

Thanks again,


Hi JB again,

We made some testing during the day with 0.7.1, and found major 3 problems need further clarify from you:

1. If one made change / commit / publish, while the other made changes to same element, merging alert pop up correctly, but after chose either my or remote, the model's commit (both changes and merge) are not publish to remote repo, have to do another valid commit again then the aging commit can be pushed.

2. Why everytime run "refresh", coArchi pop up dialog asking for "commit", even at the time there's nothing changed.

3. When one create one View folder, and move one view to this new created folder, while at the same time, the other changed the view and publish, the former one got merge alert, if we choose to use "the other", the changed view again appears as expected in the root folder, but the "me" moved view is not deleted (since location is changed) and even worse this "not deleted" view is disconnected from git and not shows in the file manager's folder structure.

I'll perpare some screenshot and post the more detail in separate thread, so that we don't mix too much aspects within this topic.

Thanks a lot,

Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


3. When one create one View folder, and move one view to this new created folder, while at the same time, the other changed the view and publish, the former one got merge alert, if we choose to use "the other", the changed view again appears as expected in the root folder, but the "me" moved view is not deleted (since location is changed) and even worse this "not deleted" view is disconnected from git and not shows in the file manager's folder structure.

This one is known and one of the reasons why Phil and I are working on coArchi 2 which will be a major rewrite that will adress such edge case (but should not be available before end of year I guess). I write edge case because in practice, the way a (good) team is organized makes this almost impossible (coArchi assumes that, like with any activity, some governance is in place and people don't change things without clear assignment and perimeter).

Why everytime run "refresh", coArchi pop up dialog asking for "commit", even at the time there's nothing changed.

This can't be the case, so if you experience this, this does mean that the model was changed. Please check that you both have the same version of Archi (in fact any 4.7 or 4.8 version), the latest version of the plugin, and that you are not opening a model which was last published with an old version of Archi (prior 4.7). From time to time, new version of Archi come with new features which require to change the internal data structure. This leads to the presence of a version "tag" inside the model. This version "tag" is automatically updated when a new version of Archi opens an old model, which is thus seen as a change.

If you do have the same version and are opening a recent model, then you are guaranteed to be prompted to commit changes only if there are (tested hundreds of times at least ;-)

If one made change / commit / publish, while the other made changes to same element, merging alert pop up correctly, but after chose either my or remote, the model's commit (both changes and merge) are not publish to remote repo, have to do another valid commit again then the aging commit can be pushed.

I never experienced this, worth investigating


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Hi JB,

Thanks for feedback on #3, and looking forward to have coArchi2 soon.

For #2, sure, we'll check and at least we both have same latest 0.7.1 coArchi and 4.8.1 Archi, and our new testing model is new created when having coArchi plug-in installed, need to have some more observation and back here for detail. Agree that possible some invisible "tag" making the auto update, need further evidence.

For #1, have created another topic with adding more detail explanation and screenshot for your review.
