Recommender Plugin for Archi

Started by sashikanthr, April 11, 2022, 12:22:21 PM

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I have been doing my Masters thesis at KTH, Stockholm in collaboration with SDU, Odense, Denmark. The thesis is about creating a recommender plugin for Archi. I am trying to make the design as generic as possible. At the moment, the idea is to show recommendations for elements or relationships that are semantically similar. I am looking for people who have some basic knowledge of NLP.

I have summarized what I am upto so far here in this LinkedIn post. Please reach out to me if you are interested in contributing.

Best Regards,

Phil Beauvoir

Hi Sashi,

thanks for sharing your work, it sounds intriguing.

Please do share any further work on the plug-in and keep us updated with your progress!

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