Error and Warning when commit Archi HTML Report to Remote Repository

Started by Xiaoqi, July 11, 2022, 02:00:45 AM

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I've upgraded to 4.10.0 beta in Windows 11 now, the HTML report export is no problem.

I'm placing the HTML report in one Windows server with IIS, and using IntelliJ IDEA to push the report folder to remote repository. Didn't see this error / warning be 4.9.x, but today when I want to commit, it indicates (see attached picture) follow error and warning --

    Error(2, 49) URI is not registered (Settings | Languages & Frameworks | Schemas and DTDs)
    Warning:(4, 1) XML tag has empty body
    Warning:(22, 148) Closing tag matches nothing

While I can force Commit and Push.

Just want to get your aware and see whether any configurations for these 2 files should be adjusted in the Beta version?


Phil Beauvoir

Hi Xiaoqi,

it seems that IDEA is doing some strict checks of files before a commit.

Nothing has changed recently in these files, maybe there is a setting in IDEA's code analysis that has changed?

I can fix the "</br>" tag in business_collaboration.html but not the svg file. But I suspect that IDEA is being over-enthusiastic in its code analysis of files and you'll see these warnings on other files that are not strict html or xml.

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