jArchi start Terraform or any Windows command

Started by raphaelha, May 25, 2023, 20:40:34 PM

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Hi everyone,

sorry for the super noob question  :-\ .

On a Windows computer I've installed Terraform which is a simple .exe file in a folder. Through the PATH variable the folder location could be omitted.

I would like to use a jArchi script that calls the terraform command (actually any installed command: e.g., curl to get files, or scp to copy the ArchiMate Modell somewhere remote) with a trailing input such as "plan, apply, etc." Whereas the output of the command is displayed in the Scripts console window (stdout, stderr -> basically everything so the user receives visual feedback of what the command is doing).

Thanks to everyone, who might be able to help and sorry for my lack of JS skills.

Best regards,

Phil Beauvoir

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Hi Phil,

Thanks for the quick response, I'll give it a try.

Best regards,