Archi file with images

Started by ievgenii, July 01, 2023, 01:33:26 AM

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Can someone remind me what impacts saved *.archimate file format to be zipped file (images folder + model.xml) or unzipped archimate file (could be directly open by text editor without unzipping)?

Obviously it depends on presence of custom images in the model.

Are there some settings or it depends on how image is used: custom / specialization?

Or in latest versions (after integration of specialization), the model with images is always saved as shingle archived file?

Phil Beauvoir

Hi, if the model references any image file it is saved in zip format. So that could be Canvas with image or specialization, or custom.
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Hi, well I am not sure how I managed to do that but I have a model which references a image (specialization) and which is still non-zipped
Extract from my archimate file (I am using 5.0.2) :
  <profile name="hyperlink" id="id-1892c939c9a94c4b970fdc2dffedeb0d" imagePath="images/_AUxi0CFpEe68frLk3qI-jA.png" conceptType="Representation"/>
I have tried adding other images as specialization as images on canvas but they still go in the images folder and the model is still non-zipped.
I have attached a new sample model :

Phil Beauvoir

The non-zip format is used if the .archimate file is in a git repository.  This was done to support coArchi 2 (WIP). This is undocumented and unsupported.
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ok I see, actually there was an empty .git in this folder, don't know where it comes from.

Phil Beauvoir

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Thanks, that's good to know !


Quote from: Phil Beauvoir on July 13, 2023, 13:14:42 PMThe non-zip format is used if the .archimate file is in a git repository. This was done to support coArchi 2 (WIP). This is undocumented and unsupported.
Actually, that is good "feature". In some cases having the images unzipped gives more flexibility. For example, similar viewing (or even editing!) the pages/images model tree directly at the GitHub, overview/update of images in local folders might be beneficial.