Error when importing Remote Model to Workspace

Started by manonvanrooijen, October 10, 2023, 15:50:08 PM

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I am despreately trying to get coArchi to work.
I've set up an empty (private) repository on Github
I've followed the instructions on

When connecting through[username/repository].git (copied from github)
I get the error Cannot read the array length because return value is null (screenshot)
Help would be much appreciated

error on #.png

Phil Beauvoir

Hi, does your .ssh folder exist with files in it?
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Phil Beauvoir

Please check that your .ssh directory actually exists with the SSH key files in, and that the directory can be read.

I've released coArchi 0.8.9 which will safeguard against this. Download from here -
If you value and use Archi, please consider making a donation.
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Hi, thank you for your advise.
I ended up redoing the entire setup, including the SSH becaue I got a few other error messages in addition to the one I initially published.
That seemed to have done the trick, I am up and running, thanks.