center the zoom around where the cursor is

Started by kdwykleingeld, October 19, 2014, 13:55:49 PM

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Hi, one other requirement i have. When zooming into a view  (hold left mouse button and turn mouse wheel forward ) it would be great if the zoom would center on the place where the cursor is iso the center of the view itself. Lets assume you want to zoom into a few boxes that are displayed in the upper left corner of the screen than you place your mouse in that area and zooming in would enlarge that specific area. Now it enlarges the center of the view and you have to move the view afterwards to the area you are interested in..

thx koen

Phil Beauvoir

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Hi, any outlook for this one. When working with larger views this would really be of very great help !!

thx koen

Phil Beauvoir

This is one one more thing on the list of feature requests. ;) My recommendation is, because Archi is open source, that perhaps someone might investigate how it might be done in code, in Eclipse GEF.
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Phil Beauvoir

One option is to use the Outline thumbnail view to focus in on area of a diagram, click into the diagram and then zoom.
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