New specialization plugin

Started by Hervé, June 30, 2017, 21:18:01 PM

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You say we copy images to the "com.archimatetool.editor_4.0.3.201707201522" folder, but I don't have one called like that.

What I have is one called "com.archimatetool.editor_4.0.3.201709061211". I'm using Archi 4.0.3 build 201709061211.




The number at the end depends on the version of Archi you use. In your case, you can safely copy your images in your "com.archimatetool.editor_4.0.3.201709061211" folder.

In a next release, it will possible to copy/pase the images to the the preference page and the images will be automatically stored in the correct folder  ;)

Best regards

Phil Beauvoir

Quote from: Hervé on October 11, 2017, 20:29:04 PM

The number at the end depends on the version of Archi you use. In your case, you can safely copy your images in your "com.archimatetool.editor_4.0.3.201709061211" folder.

In a next release, it will possible to copy/pase the images to the the preference page and the images will be automatically stored in the correct folder  ;)

Best regards

You might need Administrator access to write to the Archi installation folder if it was installed using the installer on Windows 64-bit version.
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Hi Phil,

You're right but if your credentials allow you to install a software, then the Windows Explorer isable to automatically change the folder rights to allow thie copy  ;)

Best regards


Dear all,

I just release the version 0.2 of my specialization plugin to Github:

The key updates are:

  • The list of elements where the icon can be changes has been increased
  • It is now possible to change the elements and relationships label as well using the "label" property
  • It is now possible to switch between Archi's standard icons / labels and your customized ones using a contect menu (right click)

As usual, please do not hesitate to drop me a line in case of any question or issue.

Best regards


Hi guys

I see an opportunity in using plugin . 

When an organisation doesn't know about archimate, people -even architects- often tend to reject the archimate notation/symbols and prefer the more"neutral" visualization they're used to, that is just plain boxes or rectangles to symbolize applications, data, etc.

So I'd like to go on with archimate modeling, but use the plugin to render views that mimics vizualisation people usually see. 

Hervé, have you any hints about the size (in pixels) the icons should  be ?



Indeed... At the moment, I store images in several sizes (and add the size in the image filenames for reference) but this is not very convenient.

In a next release, it will be possible to dynamically change the image size. I was thinking to a syntax like "filename:size" for squares or "filename:width:height" for rectangles.

Best regards


Quote from: Hervé on October 12, 2017, 08:15:45 AM
Hi Phil,

You're right but if your credentials allow you to install a software, then the Windows Explorer isable to automatically change the folder rights to allow thie copy  ;)

Best regards

I use Archi on two machines. My own Mac  :) and a work PC with no admin rights  >:(  I'm about to run Archi without the full install, but in the quoted scenario, I can't get at an install to reference the specialization icons. I guess I could always place them elsewhere and refer to that location?



If you do not use the full install procedure, this means that you coy the files in a custom folder. You need to go in this custom folder,  then the "plugins" folder, then the "com.archimatetool.editor_xxxx" (where xxxx depends on Archi version).

Best regards


Quote from: ubibene on November 03, 2017, 06:39:20 AM
Hervé, have you any hints about the size (in pixels) the icons should  be ?

16x16 does it for me (see attached), but as Hervé says, it supports any size.


Thanks rheward !

By the way, it would be cool to be able to use custom icons on data objects. I understand this is not possible at the moment because they have no icons in archi : maybe archi could use "void" icons instead : a 1x1 pixel png image with transparent background for example. This would change nothing for existing models, but we could use tthen custom icons on such objects.


Hi all.

I am attempting to get the icon plugin working correctly on a Mac OS 13 (Sierra)

I think it is partially working?  I found that the "plugin" folder of Archi for mac's is really:

path to (this is appears as the Archi icon on my desktop) /

where "network" is a subfolder I created.

When I create a icon on the application and put in the properties of "icon - > path to .png file"
the model tree shows that it picked up / can use the icon o.k. (see picture)

However, if I drag a new one of these icons onto the page, it appears as a regular node.

Ideas on what I have set up incorrect?

Many thanks in advance!



If I understand correctly, you try to change the icon on nodes. You need to know that some components have got two figures, one with an icon, one without. That's the case for nodes (see screenshot bellow).

My plugin is able to change the existing icon if there is one, but is not able to add one where there isn't any. So you need to change the nodes figures to see your icon.

Please do not hesitate to ask me again if I misunderstood your question ...

Best regards


Many thanks for your reply Hervé.

From your screen picture, you are describing that if a node has the little diagram of the box in the node case, the icon value will replace that diagram. 

Many of the selections in the technology section of the palette, (e.g. - Communications Network) have the diagram you pointed out, and can be changed in the method described with the plugin via the icon property. 

For me, both the "node" and "device" palette selections do not have the diagram that can be replaced.  Just verifying that this is what should be expected.

Thanks again for making this clear for me and again, sincerely appreciate your help.  The folks working on this application are really making strides to allow this to be very functional for very many folks.

Thanks again!


That's correct.

The only way to change the icon is to change the figure to something that has got an existing icon.

Best regards