Archi 3.0 Early Access Preview

Started by Phil Beauvoir, August 18, 2014, 11:35:31 AM

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Phil Beauvoir

It means that because this is a beta version, it won't work after that date.

Before that date comes, there will either be a newer beta version or the full version.

This is to ensure that people don't carry on using versions that may be buggy.
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Phil Beauvoir

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Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie

Hi keypey,

I had similar issue when using a non "standard" Gtk theme under Ubuntu. All my issues were fixed when comming back to "official" Ubuntu theme.

Could you test using different Gtk themes (maybe the default one on your distribution) and/or different Archi/Eclipse themes.

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Phil Beauvoir

OK, so where does the problem lie? Are these problems visible within Eclipse itself, for example? Is it an SWT problem or a GTK problem. So far I've tested on Ubuntu 14.04 standard, Mint, and Elementary.

What distro and setup are you using?
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Ok. I'm using oxygen-gtk-theme (xfce) on different Debian forks: LinuxLite and SolydXK.

You're right, everything works correctly on Advaita-theme. Figures derived from oxygen-gtk.

I'll stay with oxygen-gtk.
Thank you for your help.


Phil Beauvoir

Ok, thanks for the info. I looked at the code for the prefs UI and I don't think there's anything non-standard about it. I would have to set up a test platform specific to test it...and I don't really want to do that, so if it turns out to be a theme issue that would save me some work ;)
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Jonas Fluhr

Hi all,

I'm just testing Archi 3.0 (on Windows 7) as I think it is an amazing and promising modelling tool.

Yet, the .csv-export just exports one property per element - actually always the last one. I played a little bit around with the export configuration possibilities, but couldn't solve this problem. Does anyone experience the same problem?

ps: hoping this is the right place for posting this issue/question  :)



Yes, the .csv-export just exports last one property per element.


Phil Beauvoir

Quote from: Jonas Fluhr on September 15, 2014, 16:56:07 PM

Yet, the .csv-export just exports one property per element - actually always the last one. I played a little bit around with the export configuration possibilities, but couldn't solve this problem. Does anyone experience the same problem?

ps: hoping this is the right place for posting this issue/question  :)


Good catch, thanks for finding this. It's a regression. Blame = me  :o I'll fix it and release another version.

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Phil Beauvoir

Archi 3.0 Release Candidate 2 is available:

(Fixes the CSV export bug)
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Henrik Førli

I have been testing the export/import function in both RC1 and RC2. It is a very useful function but...

I am using it on Windows and I work in Norway. Different regions use different default list separators. In my region it is semicolon.
The challenge is that Archi will only import comma separated files but for me to open the file directly in Excel I need to export as semicolon separated and then do a manual export from excel using comma to get i back into Archi. Doable but not very slick.

Could Archi default to regional settings for import and export or have a preference for separator that affects both export and import?

Br, Henrik

Phil Beauvoir

Hi Henrik,

As you have found, you can export with the semi-colon as the delimiter. Once set in the export wizard, it will remember this setting as the default.

For the next version RC3, it will detect comma, semi-colon or tab delimiter when importing.

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Henrik Førli

Great!  :) The detection of delimiter when importing will absolutely fix this.

Br, Henrik

Jonas Fluhr

Thanks for the very fast RC2! This will help a lot.

I dare to throw in another question: Is it a wished or normal behavior that the name of a relation is showed behind its relation? In many cases this makes the name difficult to read (in particular when the relation is drawn horizontally).

I would have expected the name 'within' the relation, i.e. the text field is before the relation and the text fields background color corresponds to the background color of the view. Unfortunately, the option to position the name at source or target is not so helpful in these situations.
A more sophisticated solution could offer to resize and move the name's text field freely. Resizing would be useful to wrap the text individually and therewith change the needed space.