Archi 3.0 Early Access Preview

Started by Phil Beauvoir, August 18, 2014, 11:35:31 AM

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Phil Beauvoir

Quote from: Jonas Fluhr on September 17, 2014, 08:23:19 AM
I dare to throw in another question: Is it a wished or normal behavior that the name of a relation is showed behind its relation? In many cases this makes the name difficult to read (in particular when the relation is drawn horizontally).

I would have expected the name 'within' the relation, i.e. the text field is before the relation and the text fields background color corresponds to the background color of the view. Unfortunately, the option to position the name at source or target is not so helpful in these situations.
A more sophisticated solution could offer to resize and move the name's text field freely. Resizing would be useful to wrap the text individually and therewith change the needed space.

This issue will eventually be solved.
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Jonas Fluhr

Perfect. So I am looking forward to becoming this feature reality ... :)
Many thanks.

Btw: Great job! Archi is really a very complete and nice EA tool.

Phil Beauvoir

Archi 3.0 Release Candidate 3 is available:

  • Detect comma, semicolon or tab delimiter on CSV import
  • Fix small bug on OrthogonalAnchor
  • Add support for Export As Image in PDF format
  • Edited diagram Views show "modified" asterisk in title bar again
  • [magic-connector] small label changes
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Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie

Bug report :-(

(test done under Ubuntu Linux 14.04)

  • Open an ArchiMate view (don't select anything) and go through menus, some submenus should be disabled (Edit > Text alignment, View > Viewpoint...) and when trying to open them, Archi crashes or freeze
  • Same for Sketch view and Canvas.
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Phil Beauvoir

Yep, I'm getting a total wipe-out on Ubuntu when trying to select a sub-menu. Works OK on Linux Mint, could be an Ubuntu thing. Need to check if Eclipse 4.4.1 itself does this.
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Phil Beauvoir

It's happening under 4.4, never mind 4.4.1. The thing is, the problem only occurs if a View is not already open when you launch Archi. It happens after you open a View.

Seems to be only on "radio button" sub-menus after a View has been opened.
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Phil Beauvoir

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Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie

New (small, easy to fix) bug: when using Motivation viewpoint, Composition is not visible in the palette (but can be created through the magic connector).

BTW, Phil, do you want me to create an issue on GitHub each time or is a post or mail enought for the moment ? (Of course, submitting a pull request is even better, but hey, I'm at work ;-)

EDIT - I've just found another bug (maybe related to Phil's patch on bendpoint fix to grid) : the snap position is moving ;-) in fact it seems the grid used is relative to the part of diagram visible (GEF viewpoint ?) and not the diagram itself. To test: create a view, put 2 concepts, add a relation between them, show the grid, create some bendpoints, see how they match (or not) the grid, move the diagram visible area (may require a small window and more elements), create some new bendpoints, see how they match (or not) the grid: you should not be able to realign with previous bendpoints...
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Phil Beauvoir

Hi JB,

thanks for the reports. I fixed the Viewpoint problem, and also corrected a few other viewpoints.

GiHub is better for bugs. I only found your second bug because I came back here to reply. ;-)

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Phil Beauvoir

Quote from: Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie on September 19, 2014, 13:27:25 PM
I've just found another bug (maybe related to Phil's patch on bendpoint fix to grid) : the snap position is moving ;-) in fact it seems the grid used is relative to the part of diagram visible (GEF viewpoint ?) and not the diagram itself. To test: create a view, put 2 concepts, add a relation between them, show the grid, create some bendpoints, see how they match (or not) the grid, move the diagram visible area (may require a small window and more elements), create some new bendpoints, see how they match (or not) the grid: you should not be able to realign with previous bendpoints...

This can happen not only with bend-points but also with figures, when the figure is in negative space. There is a 5-pixel border that causes this. I can remove the border to fix it. But the problem will still occur, say, when a connection or figure is located in negative space and you select it. The Selection handles push the grid a few pixels and mess up the grid positioning for snap. I guess allowing negative space wasn't really a good idea!
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Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie

Quote from: Phil Beauvoir on September 19, 2014, 15:35:18 PM
This can happen not only with bend-points but also with figures, when the figure is in negative space. There is a 5-pixel border that causes this. I can remove the border to fix it. But the problem will still occur, say, when a connection or figure is located in negative space and you select it. The Selection handles push the grid a few pixels and mess up the grid positioning for snap. I guess allowing negative space wasn't really a good idea!

I've fixed this issue, this was simply because I used mouse position. I've submitted a pull request to fix it.
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Hi Phil,

I am using RC 2, and it generally works quite well.  I did notice, however that there is an issue properly situating connectors, particularly when symbols are centered vertically.  I've noticed this when one elements realizes another.  If the two elements are centered vertically, under some circumstances, the arrow of the realization relationship can end up suddenly very far away from the symbol for the realized element.  Also, sometime the problem is with the non-pointy end as well.  The fix is to jiggle things around a bit.  I've also noticed this with used by as well.  Unfortunately, I was running into this last night, but can't recreate an example right now.

The other thing that I have noticed is in the documentation.  The chapter Importing and Exporting the Model and its Views is labeled Exporting the Model... in the User Guide table of contents.  This makes it harder to search for and find when one is looking to find out how to import.

Keep up the great work!


Phil Beauvoir

Hi Iver,

welcome to the forums, good to see you here. :-)

I did notice, however that there is an issue properly situating connectors, particularly when symbols are centered vertically.  I've noticed this when one elements realizes another.  If the two elements are centered vertically, under some circumstances, the arrow of the realization relationship can end up suddenly very far away from the symbol for the realized element.  Also, sometime the problem is with the non-pointy end as well.  The fix is to jiggle things around a bit.  I've also noticed this with used by as well.

If you go to Archi's Preferences, then the "Connections" tab, and uncheck "Use orthogonal connection anchors" you'll be able to see if there are bendpoints on the connection. If there are try clearing these bendpoints. Does that help? I've noticed that when this option is on, and when moving connections by grabbing a bendpoint handle in the middle of the connection the connection seems to jump about a bit.

The other thing that I have noticed is in the documentation.  The chapter Importing and Exporting the Model and its Views is labeled Exporting the Model... in the User Guide table of contents.  This makes it harder to search for and find when one is looking to find out how to import.

Thanks for spotting this, I've updated the TOC.
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Attached is an example of the problem that I triggered by simply changing the zoom from 100% (no problem) to 25% (protruding connector).  As I mentioned in my previous post, there are other ways to trigger this behavior besides changing the zoom.  Changing the zoom back fixes the problem.  The view consists of a business service realizing two principle and a goal, which is centered above the business service.  The two principles influence the goal.

Thanks for updating the TOC.




And also, the orthogonal connectors option was unchecked before during and after the case that I just shared.