Some Archi tips

Started by Phil Beauvoir, October 20, 2014, 09:31:24 AM

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Phil Beauvoir

In Archi, the Model Tree can sometimes be a UI hog if there are a large number of tree nodes open with a big model(s). I've been experimenting with the causes and found:

  • Pre-populated trees with a large number of open nodes can be inherently slow (I checked other apps, too)
  • Archi's feature to show unused elements in the model tree (italics) can be an expensive and slow operation
  • Showing elements not belonging to an ArchiMate viewpoint in the tree (grey) can be an expensive and slow operation
  • A tree refresh (after add/delete objects) with a large number of open nodes can be slow
  • A tree Search with a large number of open nodes can be slow

For Archi 3.0.1 (coming soon) I've tried to optimise a few things.

Try these tips (some are available in Archi 3.0.1 coming soon):

  • Close some folders so that not all nodes are showing (a new "collapse" menu item will be in Archi 3.0.1)
  • Organise elements and relations into sub-folders
  • Turn off the "Grey out disallowed elements in the Model Tree" option in Preferences (in the "Viewpoints" section in "Diagram" tab)
  • Turn off the "Display unused elements in italics" option in Preferences (in the "General" section) - will be in Archi 3.0.1

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