Generate plugin/Feature

Started by Hervé, September 29, 2019, 16:00:18 PM

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I fail to generate a feature that install on Archi 4.5.1 using the plugins manager.

What I did:

  • Generate a feature project and configure it
  • Export a "Deployable feature" as an archive file
  • Add an "archi-plugin" empty file to the generated ZIP file
  • Click on "Install new" button on the "manage plug-ins" window and select the feature ZIP file
  • Archi requires to be restarted

when Archi restarts, I've got error messages like
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException: No repository found at jar:file:/C:/Users/Herve/AppData/Roaming/Archi4/dropins/artifacts.jar!/.

org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException: Error: file:/C:/Users/Herve/AppData/Roaming/Archi4/dropins/ is not a valid extension location because it already contains a standard p2 repository file.

org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException: No repository found at jar:file:/C:/Users/Herve/AppData/Roaming/Archi4/dropins/artifacts.jar!/.

A "dropins" folder has been created in C:/Users/Herve/AppData/Roaming/Archi4/ with the following content:

  • features folder

    • org.archicontribs.database.feature_2.2.0.201909291644.jar file (2 KB)
  • plugins folder

    • org.archicontribs.database_2.2.0.jar file (23742 KB)
  • artifact.jar file (1KB)
  • content.jar file (2 KB)

Any advice ?


Phil Beauvoir

Don't export as a feature or create a feature project. Export as a jar ("Deployable plugins and fragments").

The plan to deply plugins as features was abandoned (for now) in favour of using jars in the "dropins" folder.
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oh, did not understood that ...

Thanks  ;D


In fact, I cannot make it working with JAR either.

I updated the Archi.ini file to change the dropins folder: Files/Archi4.5.1/dropins

I created the C:/Program Files/Archi4.5.1/dropins folder and copied the JAR file into this folder.

But my plugin is still not recognized  :-[

Any advice ?

Phil Beauvoir

Not sure if spaces need to have quote marks.

But the whole point is to install plugins in the "Archi4" directory in the user's home directory in order to keep them separate from the Archi installation program directory. Especially so on Mac.
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I know that the plugins should now be separated from the installation directory, but I've got several Archi versions with different plugins combinations in order to test them ...

I didn't think about the space char, I'll add quotes this evening ... Thanks  ;)

Phil Beauvoir

Also, I think if the "dropins" folder is in the Archi installation folder you don't need the entry in the Archi.ini file. But I'd have to double check that.
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