Font Loader plugin for Archi

Started by Phil Beauvoir, May 19, 2020, 08:58:55 AM

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Phil Beauvoir

Hi all,

JB has developed a new plug-in, the Font Loader for Archi.

This plug-in allows you to make some fonts available to Archi without having to install them in your OS. This is especially useful when working on some corporate workstations.

The plug-in comes in two versions:

  • The bare plug-in which will create a fonts folder in your Archi4 user folder. Put some fonts in this folder and restart Archi. The fonts will be made available to Archi.
  • The plug-in with pre-loaded fonts (Roboto, RobotoConsended, FontAwesome Free, Numberpile). This version also allows you to add your own fonts in the fonts folder.

More information here:

Downloads here:

Thanks for that, JB!

Edit - read below. This plug-in is now integrated into Archi itself
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Seems very nice. Unfortunately, it is not supported for other OS than Windows. Thanks still for the good work JB!

Phil Beauvoir

It works on Mac, too. And, as JB, says, this plug-in supports the use case where you cannot install a font on the system because of local rights issues. Linux users can install fonts into the system.

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Phil Beauvoir

An update on this.

We've found out that font loading works better if it is integrated into Archi itself, rather than as a plug-in. For technical reasons it ensures that the fonts get loaded at the correct point when starting Archi. This also means that it now works for Linux.

In Archi 4.7 beta 4 you can copy fonts into the "fonts" folder in Archi's user data folder (this location can be changed in Preferences) or create a "fonts" folder in Archi's installation folder. If this folder is not present, you can create it.
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Phil Beauvoir

Another update on this.

For Archi 4.7 beta 6 we've removed the preference for a user fonts directory. It all worked fine on Mac but, sadly, caused some issues on Windows and Linux (see

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