Maximum size of an Archi file ?

Started by bruno.cornouiller, November 05, 2021, 17:31:47 PM

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In our company, we have more than 200 applications and I want to describe each application (business, application, physical) and all interactions between applications - step by step of course - using Archi. So, if I describe all in only one Archi file, could we have some issues to open the file in Archi when the file will reach a critical size ? How many maximum views, objects can we have in one Archi file ?  We will work in a collaboration mode with other architects using coArchi plugin.

Thanks for your responses :)

Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


There's no real limit on Archi itself and I've played with models containing more than 15000 concepts and hundreds of views without any issues. But the current limitation is to be found on coArchi, and in this case (especially if you have antivirus software installed on your workstation), the usual limit is around 5000 concepts. To understand why, see this post.


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