Issue with model managed using GRAFICO plugin and Git

Started by bdendulk, April 20, 2016, 07:24:36 AM

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Today, I got the error again but I was also able to get rid of the error by means of the above mentioned method.



Once again the problem reappeared. Following the steps I performed just prior to the error message:
- I was able to save various times
- Next, I did an export with Grafico
- I succesfully did an extra save (after a very minor update)
- I then closed the model
- I reopened the archimate file containing the same model
- When I tried to save again, the error reappeared

Kind regards,


Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


That's very strange as I've never had such troubles. Would it be possible to have more details about your setup (git client, git hosting...) and your workflow.


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Hi JB,

I'm using the latest Archi version, Sourcetree and GITHUB (the link I provided earlier). On both working stations (company laptop and private Desktop) I'm running the latest Java environment and Windows 10 64 bit. The workflow is quite simple and similar to the steps I posted in my previous post. Since I'm still in trial mode, I've not introduced the GITHUB to the other architects involved. Hence, I'm the only one working on the model.

Kind regards,



Hi JB,

Just now I found something very strange within my model which might be very related to the issues I'm experiencing with the Grafico plugin.

When I tried to delete a relationship, I discovered that there are 2 views which do show up on the analysis tab (beneath the view) but are not present in the tree on the left of the view. WHen I open the view via the analysis tab, I can edit the view. However, as soon as I want to save the model, I get the same error but only for the relationships I've just deleted.

I suspect that at one time, I was to quick to update GIT after I did an export via the plugin. I've noticed that Sourcetree does take some time to process the files being watched.

I have absolutely no clue how to delete the 'ghost' views. I will give it a try via the GIT repo using Sourcetree.

When I do search in the diagrams folder in the GIT repo, the ghost-views cannot be found ...

Kind regards, Bart

Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


I don't have too much time now to fully test, but I've seen someting strange on the xml files on GitHub...

When exporting with Grafico, some Eclipse mecanisms are used to serialize parts of the model to XML. When doing this, references to elements (for example source/targets of relationships or elements related to diagram figures) are saved:

  • with the notation relative_path/#ID (relative path being the relative path to the already existing .xml file for the target element, and ID being the Id of the element) if the refered element has already been serialized, or

  • with the notation #ID (ID being the Id of the element) if the refered element hasn't already been serialized

This basically means that asof today moving an element in another folder in the model tree can impact the serialized xml file of views and relationships using it. That being said, because of the way Grafico works the relative path is not used (only the ID), so it doesn't have to be present nor real.

In some or your files I've seen something strange: in some cases the reference points to another (temporary!) model file:

        relationship="archimate:TriggeringRelationship ../../../../../../Google%20Drive/ArchiXL/Projecten/NVWA/Archi/archi-4617337259308681392.tmp#62ea0b9f"/>

This is clearly abnormal because there are no ways to do this I can see... But if this temporary file (archi-4617337259308681392.tmp) exists there might be some Eclipse (black) magic that actually load information from it, leading to the bugs you experience.

I would suggest to save your model in .archimate format, unzip it and look deeply at the model.xml file to see if you still refers to this temporary file.

BTW, this could explain why you can save the model on one PC (the one with the .tmp file) but not on the other (the one without).


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Hi JB,

Problem solved!!!!!! :D :D :D

I found out that various relations did exist in the view pane but when I looked on the analysis tab, there was no reference to a view. After deleting the relation in the view and then recreate the relation, the error messages disappeared. It was about 3 hours of work but the error messages are now gone.

My only concern is how these errors did appear in the first place.

Kind regards, Bart den Dulk