Archimate for everyday use (to describe Enterprise Architecture)

Started by alex, October 30, 2018, 10:30:01 AM

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Hi Phil.

I tried to make report in Jasper Studio using archimate template files. But I got errors. See in the file.

Where should I write path to archimate jar file in Jasper Studio or it can not help me ?

May be you have links on the forum blogs where this problem was discussed ?

Please help.


Phil Beauvoir

Hi Alex,

sorry I can't help on this one, as I've not used Jasper Studio. Perhaps someone else might know?

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Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


You can't test your report inside JasperReport Studio. You have to save it and test it from within Archi.

This wiki page might help you a bit (and don't hesitate to contribute some updates):


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Hi Phil and Jean.

About reporting....For example, I want to create new report which display not only deployment model of my servers in Enterprise Architecture but total number of cores, RAM HDD/SDD, cost of each server etc. per each Information System in one list (as I see I can use Properties attribute for that and then sum up it for each server).

As I thought I can do customization in Jasper Studio but I can not establish right path to the Archi jar file.

If you say that I should use Archi for reporting then my question is - how to implement this type of customization using Archi ?

BR, Alex.

Phil Beauvoir


I'm afraid I'm not going to be much help regarding Jasper Reports. When I initially created the Jasper Reports for Archi I wrote each jrxml file by hand and tested them from Archi using a long process of trial and error. It was not the best way to do it, for sure!

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Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


Quote from: alex on November 26, 2018, 07:03:43 AM
As I thought I can do customization in Jasper Studio but I can not establish right path to the Archi jar file.

If you say that I should use Archi for reporting then my question is - how to implement this type of customization using Archi ?

It seems you've not fully read what I shared: you can (and should) use Jasper Studio to edit your report files. You don't have to configure any path to Archi jar files. You simply have to edit your report files in Jaspter Studio and then use them like any other custom report from within Archi.


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Phil and Jean, thank you for your response.

Jean, if you mean under edit simply changes for visualization, pictures, colors, fonts, etc -  I don't need it right now.

I really need reporting but it should do the following for example:

I have server (or node) in the model. I described my server using Proporties tab with next fields - cores, RAM, cost etc...
Imagine there are 5 servers with such Properties but different values:

Server-1 = cores=1; RAM=4Gb; cost = $1000
Server-2 = cores=5; RAM=4Gb; cost = $1200
Server-3 = cores=10; RAM=4Gb; cost = $10000
Server-4 = cores=4; RAM=4Gb; cost = $2000
Server-5 = cores=21; RAM=4Gb; cost = $21000

My report should make total report for all 5 servers where the fields should be:
cores - should be calculated and be equal 41 cores
RAM  - should be calculated and be equal 20 Gb
Cost - should be calculated and be equal $35 200

How to achieve it in Archi or Jasper ?

I need it because those servers is One IT system.
Those propeties are used to control and manage Enterprise Architecture (updates, changes, new development, how much it cost, what happend if business will change their strategic goals and how it will influence on that One IT system).

Hope its clear -)

BR, Alex.

Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


By edit I mean doing everything,including creating your own report from scratch.

BTW, if you only want to extract information, you can also execute some SQL query using the HTML export (which contains a "query" tab in the main windows, the one you have by default and when you clic on the model name).


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Hi Jean.

Thank you. Do you have some example (guidlines/code) how to implement it ?

BR, Alex.


Hi Wilmer.

Thank you, but your link is not opened. Is it working link ?

BR, Alex.


Hi, you may want to look at this plug-in to change icons
The specialization plugin is designed to specialize concepts (figures, icons, etc.) inside Archi.

Icons and labels of Archi components can be replaced in a view and/or the model tree. This is done by configuring the properties of Archi elements.

This plugin is compatible with all my other plugins and with the GitHub persistence plugin. Archi users who open a model, but don't have the specialization images or plugin will just see the standard icons.