CSV Import UTF8 issue

Started by tf67, January 13, 2015, 11:02:50 AM

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Hi All,
I had some trouble to use the csv import functionality receiving an error message saying 'Type shoulde be of ArchiMate element type'. I traced back the problem to the file encoding being UTF8, converting it into ANSI resolved the issue.

I think it would be helpful to include a note to the user guide that the file must be in ANSI format
and I would appreciate to see csv UTF8 support in the next release.


Phil Beauvoir


that doesn't sound right. "Type should be of ArchiMate element type'" is an error that occurs if a referenced element is not an ArchiMate concept. ANSI/UTF-8 should not affect it. Unless something gets mangled. Do you have a simple example to reproduce the error?

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Hi Phil,

thanks for looking into this. Please see attached a sample file.

Phil Beauvoir

Thanks for the attached file. I get the same error. But the error message is not the real issue.

Your file is UTF-8, but it is UTF-8 with BOM type. The CSV parser library that Archi uses (http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-csv/) reads in the first line but for some reason does not remove quote marks from the first field:


And so parsing fails.

I'm not sure if I can work around this. In the mean time, save CSV files as UTF-8, but not UTF-8 with BOM.

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Thanks Phil for the quick reply.

In the meantime I tested UTF-16 (UCS-2) Little Endian & UTF-16 (UCS-2) Big Endian which are also causing errors although different.

All in all, I think it is not a big issue and I agree in must cases ANSI is absolutely fine.