Cannot save the file updated

Started by shidmi, February 03, 2020, 12:36:00 PM

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After creation the *.archimate file any changes cannot be saved into the file due to error: This request doesn't support. What could be the reason?

I've downloaded and installed the latest version from the site - 4.6.0

Thanks a lot for support.

Phil Beauvoir

Please explain precisely what it is that you are doing and the precise error message. Windows, Mac, or Linux? Do you have any extra Archi plugins installed.
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Let me explain...

I've created and saved a new empty model after first enter into the tool. After that I've just added one of application component, for instance. Once I've clicked the save button I recieved an message error: Error saving file. Attache you would find the png file with error explanation.

Tool is istalled in Windows machine. I have no any extra Archi plugins installed.

Phil Beauvoir

This may be due to using long network paths and copying temporary files (sometimes with Sharepoint).  Archi will save the *.archimate file to the user's temporary file location first and then copy it to its actual file location. What is the system "temp" location? On a standard Windows installation it is "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp"

What is the exact error message (the part in Russian) in English?
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Actually once I've saved the file in my local drive, everething is fine. Actually once I've saved the file in my local drive, everething is fine. It's really strange if doesn't tool support a network drive?

the network path is English but it's may be long to use by tool.

Phil Beauvoir

> It's really strange if doesn't tool support a network drive?

Archi does support network drives. But there may be other factors involved here such as permissions and so on.
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Phil Beauvoir

Are there any error messages in the error log?

The error Log can be accessed in Archi by selecting the "About Archi" menu item. In the dialog box press the "Installation Details" button, then select the "Configuration" tab and press the "View Error Log" button.
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"View Error Log" button is disable. Once error is appeared I've checked mentioned path but the button is not active.