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jArchi / Re: Updating scripts with coAr...
Last post by Phil Beauvoir - September 18, 2024, 16:59:06 PM
Hi, coArchi uses JGit which is a Java implementation of Git. For your use case it wouldn't be suitable unless you really knew how to use it using Java. It would be easier to use native Git.
jArchi / Updating scripts with coArchi ...
Last post by CD - September 18, 2024, 16:54:51 PM

I need to develop a script to update local scripts available on a GitLab or GitHub private project.

Knowing that the local scripts/ folder is not a Git repository, is it possible to call the git libraries present in the coArchi plugin (including the user's coArchi credentials) so that my new script can do a git clone or a git pull of the GitLab/GitHub project?

The goal is that my users do not have to install Git on the PC in order to update their scripts.

Thanking you in advance for your advices.
Kind regards
General Archi Discussion / Re: Importing from iServer
Last post by Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie - September 18, 2024, 14:43:04 PM

I recently discovered that iServer does not in fact conform to the official requirements from The Open Group as it does not include a built-in export/import feature.

But iServer (Orbus Software) consultants have access to a tool to do such export/import. So you have to contact them and force them to give you this tool (they can't refuse to do it or else their certification should be cancelled). One done, you'll be able to work (almost) seamlessly with iServer and Archi.


jArchi / Re: Switch direction of (a) co...
Last post by Xiaoqi - September 18, 2024, 04:26:23 AM

Thanks for the sharing, both scripts are working.

However, I think swapping the relation should be carefully justified, since, firstly, like one triple statement, every [source]-(relation)->[target] should have certain meaning while you're modeling in that way, so from the ontology perspective, the inverse relation may not always providing the correct meaning, e.g. [Alice]-(eats)->[Bread].

So, my view is the needs to swap the relation is due to mistake / wrongly connection, with that it would be make sense to use this automation. Then you need to be noticed, secondly, the swapped relation should be valid, otherwise the script will not work.

When running the script to attached sample view, relation 1 is swapped, while relation 2 is kept since the inverse direction is not allowed.

General Archi Discussion / Re: Importing from iServer
Last post by Phil Beauvoir - September 17, 2024, 12:50:03 PM
Hi, could you use the ArchiMate Exchange Format to export from iServer?
General Archi Discussion / Importing from iServer
Last post by mark_s - September 17, 2024, 12:45:27 PM
Hi Forum,

We have been using iServer for some time but it's time to move on. So Archi will become the preferred choice. However, as we have a bit of architectural collateral in iServer has anyone attempted to export and import into Archi?  Any thoughts, feedback would be extremely helpful. Otherwise we'd be starting from scratch.
General Archi Discussion / Archi 5.4.1 Released
Last post by Phil Beauvoir - September 11, 2024, 10:51:09 AM

Hi everyone,

Archi version 5.4.1 is now available. This fixes a regression where the Format Painter didn't work if the copied object contained an image (and actually fixes a long-standing bug where it didn't work if the model containing the copied object with an image was closed).

The download is available here -

Thanks to everyone for supporting Archi!

General Archi Discussion / Re: Palette Icons
Last post by margolyesh - September 10, 2024, 21:10:28 PM
General Archi Discussion / Re: Palette Icons
Last post by Phil Beauvoir - September 10, 2024, 08:58:43 AM
Hi, go to Preferences, Diagram, and untick "Show Specializations in Palette" (page 155 of the User Guide).
General Archi Discussion / Palette Icons
Last post by margolyesh - September 10, 2024, 07:24:05 AM
How do I hide these icons?